Tuesday, October 28, 2008

British slang

The British have lots of funny and unique slang words. Their language is very similar to ours. They speak English only with a unique accent. Some of their slang words are: Chips(Fries), Dodgy(Shady), Dosh(Money), Gab(To talk alot), Loaded(Very rich), Absobloodylootley(Absolutely). As you can see alot of these words are similar to our own and some of these some might have never heard of. Either way the british slang is very unique and similar to our language.

What language is British slang closest related to?
What are 3 British slang words?

Info obtained from: http://www.essortment.com/all/britishslangw_rcnt.htm

Affrican slang

African slang varies alot seeing as how there are about2,000 different languages spoken in Africa. The major languages used in Africa are Afro-Asiatic, Nilo Saharan, Niger Congo, and Khoisan. They also use alot of sign language as well. Most of the African languages use clicks in their words. They also use tonal qaulities to communicate. African slang is similar to our own because we use tonal qaulities and sign language to communicate.

What do most African languages use?
How is African slang similar to our own?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Survey results

These are the results of one of the surveys I made. These were the results. Out of 25, 3 said no, 9 said yes, and 13 said sometimes.

Thursday, October 16, 2008



What do you think British slang relates to more?
1.American 2.African 3.Other

Do you agree with the use of another slang in a country where the used slang is not used?
1.No 2.Sometimes 3.Yes

Where do you think Americans current slang originated from?

Monday, October 6, 2008

I am currently studying British slang/Scots English. I have found that it is somewhat similar to American slang except it is a bit more formal sounding.
Please feel free to give me any advive or help, I would greatly appreciate it...This is for school by the way.

Language slang

I have been studying types of language slang. Like british slang, african slang, and american slang.